
This section describes the ConfD API in Exasol.

What is ConfD?

ConfD is a low-level API that can be used to perform all administrative actions in Exasol. The ConfD API is available on all nodes in a deployment. You can interact with ConfD directly using the command-line tool confd_client, or indirectly through XML-RPC in your own Python programs.

The code examples in the administration section of the documentation usually show how to submit ConfD jobs using confd_client. If you want to use XML-RPC to submit a ConfD job, refer to the respective job description pages in this section for guidance.

How does ConfD work?

ConfD abstracts the administration and configuration tasks into jobs that can take various parameters. When you submit jobs in ConfD, the jobs are orchestrated into a scheduler that executes them asynchronously. In the ConfD scheduler, each job has its own pipeline in which several stages are defined. The scheduler saves the result for the job at each stage. The client that submitted the job is then free to perform other actions while the pipeline is being executed. When the final stage has been reached, the client can query the result using its job ID.

Stages in a job pipeline

  • submitted: The job ID has been received and the job is waiting in the queue to be scheduled.

  • scheduled: The scheduler has examined the job and accepted it, assigned the configuration update (if necessary), and started execution in a dedicated worker thread.

  • executed: The commands are being executed. A job may consist of multiple commands which are documented in their own sections within the job file, including the result and output.

  • finished: All commands of the job have been executed and stored within the job file. This is the final stage for a read-only job.

  • committed: All nodes have received the changes made by this job, and the updated configuration has been synchronized. This is the final stage for a job that modifies the database.

Some settings have no dedicated ConfD jobs, and are instead managed with the general_settings job. To know more about these settings, use the settings_list job.


Each database node contains a configuration file /exa/etc/EXAConf that stores most of the configuration settings that are managed by ConfD jobs. Manual editing of this file is normally not necessary and is not recommended.

Do not edit the EXAConf file directly unless you have been requested to do so by Exasol Support.


ConfD supports basic authentication with a user and password. When you create a new Exasol deployment, the user admin is added with a password specified in the CCC_PLAY_ADMIN_PASSWORD parameter in the c4 configuration.

To change the admin user password after the deployment has been created, you must use the ConfD job user_passwd.

You can create additional users that can interact with ConfD. The new user must then be assigned to the exaadm group. For more information about how to create users, see Add Users.

When using XML-RPC to access ConfD, you must authenticate with the new user. We recommend using confd_client if you have created a new user for ConfD.

Use confd_client

The command-line tool confd_client allows you to interact directly with ConfD on all active nodes in a deployment.

To use confd_client, connect to EXAClusterOS (COS) using c4 connect -t <DEPLOYMENT>[.<NODE>]/cos. For example:

./c4 connect -t 1/cos

If you do not specify a node, c4 will connect to the first active node in the deployment. If the cluster is configured with an access node, the first node is the access node (usually n10). The command prompt in COS indicates which node you are connected to. For example:

[root@n10 ~]#

For more information about how to use c4 connect, see Connect to a deployment (AWS) or Connect to a deployment (on-premises).

To get help with confd_client, use confd_client --help once you are connected to COS.

ConfD jobs are executed with the user that is logged in to the node, which in most cases is root. There is no extra authentication step when using confd_client in this way.

Syntax of confd_client commands

You can use different syntax formats when submitting jobs in confd_client. Most jobs can be submitted using either of these formats. For more information about the accepted syntax for a specific ConfD job, refer to the respective job description in this reference.

In the following examples, the job db_start is submitted using different syntax formats in order to start the database Exasol:

confd_client db_start db_name: Exasol
confd_client -c db_start -a '{db_name: Exasol}'

Use XML-RPC in Python

You can interact with ConfD through XML-RPC in your own Python programs. By default, the XML-RPC interface is available on port 20003 on the first active node in the deployment. For AWS deployments deployed with an access node, the first node is the access node.

When using XML-RPC, you must authenticate with a user. For more details, see Authentication.

import xmlrpc.client
import requests, urllib3, ssl
import sys
import json
import pprint

# Disable SSL warnings

# Enter the public IP address of the first node in the deployment and the COS port (default port: 20003)
# If the deployment has an access node, the first node is the access node. 
database_host = ''

# Enter the username and password you are connecting with.
user = 'admin' 
pw = 'exasol'

connection_string = f'https://{user}:{pw}@{database_host}'

sslcontext = ssl._create_unverified_context()

# Establish connection 
conn = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy(connection_string, context = sslcontext, allow_none=True)

Once you are connected, you can execute a job:

# Choose the job you want to run
job_name = 'db_start'

# Set the parameters for the chosen job
params = {'db_name': 'Exasol'}

# Execute the job and wait for it to finish and return the result
conn.job_exec(job_name, {'params': params})

For more examples on how you can interact with ConfD using XML-RPC, see the confd_xmlrpc script on GitHub.

ConfD jobs overview

This is an overview of all available ConfD jobs. For more information about each job, click on the job name or use the table of contents to navigate to the respective child pages in this section.

Some jobs may not be relevant for all deployment platforms.

BucketFS jobs

Job name Description
bucket_add This job adds one or more buckets to a BucketFS service.
bucket_delete This job deletes a bucket.
bucket_modify This job modifies a bucket.
bucketfs_add This job adds a BucketFS service.
bucketfs_delete This job deletes a BucketFS service.
bucketfs_info This job provides information about a BucketFS service.
bucketfs_list This job lists BucketFS services.
bucketfs_modify This job modifies a BucketFS service.

Database jobs

Job name Description
db_add_reserve_nodes Adds the specified nodes as reserve nodes for the given database. The nodes must already be added to the cluster and configured accordingly.
db_backup_abort This job aborts a running database backup.
db_backup_add_schedule This job adds a backup schedule to the given storage volume with the given level and expiration time.
db_backup_change_expiration This job changes the expiration time of the given backup.
db_backup_delete_unusable This job deletes all unusable backups for the given database. An unusable backup is a backup which cannot be read or used anymore, for example a level 1 backup without a corresponding level 0 backup.
db_backup_list This job returns a list of available backups for the given database.
db_backup_modify_schedule This job modifies the given backup schedule with new parameters. The database must be running to run this job.
db_backup_progress This job returns the progress of the currently-running backup for a given database.
db_backup_remove_schedule This job removes the given backup schedule.
db_backup_start This job starts a backup of the given database to the given archive volume with given level and expiration time. The database must be running in order to write a backup.
db_backups_delete This job deletes the specified backup(s).
db_configure This job changes the configuration of a database. The database must be offline to change its configuration.
db_configure_kerberos Sets parameters for DB Kerberos authentication.
db_create Creates a new database. A database with this name or UUID must not already exist.
db_delete This job deletes a database. The database being deleted must already exist.
db_enlarge This job increases the number of active database nodes. The database must be stopped to run this job. The nodes to be added must be added already as reserve nodes. Afterwards, the database is started with the new nodes automatically.
db_info Returns a dictionary with the main database and volume parameters.
db_list This job returns the name of all created databases.
db_remove_reserve_nodes This job removes the specified nodes as reserve nodes from the given database. The specified nodes must already be added as reserve nodes.
db_reset This job resets the database. After performing this operation, the database will be empty and all data (including metadata) is deleted. The database must be offline to perform a reset.
db_restore This job restores the given database from the given backup. The backup must meet certain prerequisites defined in documentation, such as originating from a database with the same number of nodes. The database must be offline to perform a restore.
db_resume_nodes This job resumes the suspended nodes in the given database.
db_snapshot_backup_add_schedule This job adds a database snapshot schedule for the given database. The database must be configured with a snapshot_sync_volume, which is used for the schedule.
db_snapshot_backup_list This job returns a list of available snapshots for the given database.
db_snapshot_backup_modify_schedule This job modifies the given snapshot schedule with new parameters. The database must be running to run this job.
db_snapshot_backup_remove_schedule This job removes the given snapshot schedule.
db_snapshot_backup_start This job starts a database snapshot with the given expiration time. The database must be running to run this job.
db_snapshot_backups_delete This job deletes the given database snapshots.
db_start Starts the database. The database must already exist and must not be running.
db_state This job returns the current state of the given database. Some common states are 'Running' (meaning the database is online), 'Setup' (meaning the database is offline), 'Startup' (meaning the database is starting up), and 'Shutdown' (meaning the database is shutting down).
db_stop Stops a running database. The database nodes will remain online and available.
db_suspend_nodes This job suspends the given nodes in the given database. Suspending a node means that the node is marked as unavailable, even though it continues to run. This can be used to perform maintenance on a node. If this is done to an active node while the database is running, the database will shutdown and restart with a reserve node instead (if configured).

Group jobs

Job name Description
group_create This job creates a new group with a given name and syncs the change on all nodes.
group_delete This job deletes a group (identified by groupname) and syncs the change on all nodes.
group_info This job returns details about a given group (identified by groupname).
group_list This job returns a list of all groups in the configuration. The job has no parameters.

Infrastructure jobs

Job name Description
infra_db_scale This job updates a node(s) of the cluster and updates the database configuration.
infra_db_start Start an existing database and all of its nodes.
infra_db_stop Stops an existing database in the cluster and shutdown the instances.
infra_deployment_metadata_get This job provides deployment metadata for the cluster.
infra_firewall_update This job updates the firewall rules of the deployment.
infra_instances_add This job adds an additional node(s) to a cluster. You can create the new node(s) using an existing node configuration or the cluster configuration.
infra_instances_remove This job removes a node(s) from the cluster.
infra_instances_start This job starts an existing node(s) of the cluster.
infra_instances_stop This job stops an existing node(s) of the cluster.
infra_instances_update This job updates nodes based on the cluster configuration.
infra_overview_get This job provides and overview of the cluster state (e.g., running, stopped).
infra_resources_update This job updates all other resources of the respective platform.
infra_worker_db_add This job creates a worker cluster and adds necessary additional nodes.
infra_worker_db_remove This job deletes a worker cluster and removes its nodes.

License jobs

Job name Description
license_download This job returns the contents of the license file as a string.
license_info This job returns the fields of the license.
license_run_check This job checks the running databases against the license limits.
license_upload This job uploads a new license to the cluster. It may take a few minutes for the new license to take effect.

Node jobs

Job name Description
node_add This job adds a new node to the database.
node_add_batch This job adds new nodes that are defined in a list.
node_clone_batch This job adds new nodes by cloning an existing node that is used as a template.
node_info This job shows extended node information for a single node.
node_ip_batch This job changes the IP addresses in a list of nodes.
node_list This job lists all the nodes in the current configuration. Options with empty values are omitted.
node_remove This job removes one or more nodes from the cluster. The node cannot be part of an EXAStorage volume or a database unless the "force" flag is set. If the node is in a suspended state, the job will fail.
node_resume This job will resume one or more suspended nodes.
node_state This job shows the current state of all nodes.
node_suspend This job suspends one or more nodes.
node_wait_offline This job waits for the given nodes to finish shutdown. It returns a list of offline nodes (may be empty in case of errors).
node_wait_ready This job waits for the given nodes to finish booting and be ready to accept ConfD job requests. It returns a list of ready nodes (may be empty in case of errors).
nodes_terminate This job stops all Exasol processes on the given nodes. The nodes remain up and running.

Object Volume Jobs

Job name Description
object_volume_add Adds a new volume to EXAStorage pointing to a cloud storage.
object_volume_info This job provides information about the data volume.
object_volume_list This job lists all data volumes.
object_volume_remove This job removes a data volume and its associated running storage service. The data volume cannot be in use when you use this command.

Other jobs

Job name Description
affinity_reset This job resets affinities of nodes after the exainit script has run, and selects a new master node if necessary
cert_update This job uploads a new TLS certificate which is used for all databases, buckets and configuration APIs.
conn_get_remote_nid Return the physical node ID This job determines the physical node ID (root node ID) of the calling process.
debug_collect This job retuns log events about debug information that fits the search parameter values.
general_settings This job changes EXAConf file settings that do not need a parent job.
log_collect This job retuns log events that fit the search paramater values.
master_change This job selects a new master node from a list of nodes. Do not execute other jobs until this operation is done.
settings_list The job lists current settings in the EXAConf file, a specific section in the file, or a specific subsection.
update_system Handle update operations for the COS cluster.

Plugin jobs

Job name Description
plugin_add This job adds a new plugin to a bucket.
plugin_info This job provides information about a plugin.
plugin_list This job lists all plugins.
plugin_remove This job removes a plugin.

Remote volume jobs

Job name Description
remote_volume_add This job creates a remote volume.
remote_volume_info This job provides information about the remote volume.
remote_volume_list This job lists all remote volumes.
remote_volume_list_details This job lists all remote volumes.
remote_volume_remove This job deletes a remote volume.
remote_volume_state This job retuns the state of the remote volume. For example, it is running.

Storage jobs

Job name Description
st_device_add Add a new disk (device) to an existing node
st_device_clear_errors Clear device errors on a specified node and device
st_device_disable Disable a disk (device) on a specified node
st_device_enable Enable a disk (device) on a specified node
st_device_enlarge Enlarge a disk (device) on a specified node
st_device_info Return information about a disk identified by node ID and device name. An exception is thrown if the disk is not found.
st_device_modify Modify a disk (device) for a specified node
st_device_remove Remove a disk (device) on a given node This operation is only allowed if the disk is currently not in use.
st_get_partition_id Return the EXAStorage service partition ID
st_node_force_bg_recovery_limit_calibration Force background recovery throughput limit (re)calibration
st_node_get_link_speed Return the network link speed in MBit/s
st_node_list Return information about all storage nodes
st_node_restore Restore a node specified by node ID
st_node_resume Resume a suspended node specified by node ID
st_node_set_bg_recovery Enable/disable background recovery (data restoration)
st_node_set_bg_recovery_limit Set background recovery throughput limit
st_node_set_space_warn_threshold Set a new space warning threshold
st_node_stop_restore Stop restoration of a node specified by node ID
st_node_suspend Suspend a node specified by node ID
st_volume_add_label Add a label to a volume
st_volume_append_node Append nodes to a volume
st_volume_change_owner Change the owner (user/group) of a specified volume
st_volume_change_permissions Change permissions of an existing volume
st_volume_clear_data Clear data on one or more specified nodes
st_volume_create This job creates a new local volume and returns the volume ID. The type of volume (data or archive) depends on the 'type' parameter value.
st_volume_decrease_redundancy Decrease the redundancy of a volume
st_volume_delete Delete a volume and release the allocated space on every node and disk
st_volume_enlarge Enlarge an existing volume
st_volume_increase_redundancy Increase the redundancy of a volume
st_volume_info Return information about a volume given the ID or volume name.
st_volume_list Return a list of all volumes
st_volume_lock Lock a specified volume
st_volume_move_node Move nodes on a specified volume
st_volume_remove_label Remove a label from a specified volume
st_volume_set_forced_red_level Force operations to be directly read from/written to a specific redundancy level
st_volume_set_io_status Enable or disable application and internal I/O operations on a volume
st_volume_set_ports Change IP port numbers for a specified archive volume
st_volume_set_priority Change the priority for I/O operations on a volume
st_volume_set_shared Set/unset the 'shared' flag of a specified volume The 'shared' flag cannot be changed if the volume is currently opened by more than one user.
st_volume_unlock Unlock a specified volume

User jobs

Job name Description
user_create This job creates a new user and syncs the change on all nodes.
user_delete This job deletes a given user (identified by username) and syncs the changes on all nodes.
user_info This job returns information about a given user (identified by username).
user_list This job returns a list of all users including all user details.
user_modify This job modifies a given user (identified by username) and syncs the changes on all nodes.
user_passwd This job changes the password for a given user (identified by username) and syncs the changes on all nodes.