
This job modifies a bucket.

Mandatory Parameters

Parameter name Data type Description
bucketfs_name string The name of the BucketFS service that stores the bucket.
bucket_name string The name of the bucket.
public boolean Indicates whether the bucket content is public. The following are valid values: True and False.

Optional Parameters

Parameter name Data type Description
read_password string The password for reading the bucket content.
write_password string The password for writing in the bucket.
additional_files tuple, list List or tuple with additional files in the bucket. For example: ['EXAClusterOS:/opt/exasol/slc-*/ScriptLanguages-*'].

Substitute Parameters

There are no substitute parameters.

Allowed Users

The following users are allowed to run this job:

  • root
  • _owner

Allowed Groups

The following groups are allowed to run this job:

  • root
  • exabfsadm
  • exaadm


The following examples show how to run this job in a Python program using XML-RPC or on the command line using confd_client.