This job restores the given database from the given backup. The backup must meet certain prerequisites defined in documentation, such as originating from a database with the same number of nodes. The database must be offline to perform a restore.
Mandatory parameters
Parameter name | Data type | Description |
db_name | string | Name of an existing database to be restored. |
backup_id | string | ID of an existing backup. A backup ID has the format "<volume_id> <path_to_backup> <db_name>", for example "1 exa_db/id_1/level_0/node_0/backup_201811061154 exa_db". This can be obtained from the return value of the job db_backup_list, under the key ID. |
restore_type | string | Type of restore. The value must be either 'blocking', 'nonblocking', or 'virtual access'. |
Optional parameters
There are no optional parameters.
Substitute parameters
There are no substitute parameters.
Allowed users
The following users are allowed to run this job:
- root
Allowed groups
The following groups are allowed to run this job:
- root
- exaadm
- exadbadm
The following examples show how to run this job in a Python program using XML-RPC or on the command line using confd_client.