
This job changes the configuration of a database. The database must be offline to change its configuration.

Mandatory Parameters

Parameter name Data type Description
db_name string Name of an existing database.

Optional Parameters

Parameter name Data type Description
version string Version of EXASolution executables.
data_volume_name string Volume name for the database data. The volume must be created beforehand. This parameter may be substituted with data_volume_id.
data_volume_id string Volume ID for the database data. data_volume_id can substitute data_volume_name. If both data_volume_id and data_volume_name are specified, data_volume_id is used instead.
owner tuple, list Tuple of (User id, group id) of the database owner in type integer or (user name, user group name).
mem_size string Amount of memory (RAM) allocated to the database in MiB, GiB, or TiB, e.g. "2048 MiB"
max_system_heap_memory string Maximum heap memory for all processes in MiB or GiB, e.g. "64 GiB". The supported maximum is "128 GiB". You can specify "default" to unset a previously specified custom value and have the database fall back to its default of 32 GiB. This setting will be taken into account during hugepage setup at boot. Remember to reboot all affected database nodes.
port integer Port that the database is reachable on.
params string, list A space-seperated list of extra database parameters which replaces the current settings. When used with params_add and/or params_delete, params is evaluated first. In general, parameters are in the format "-param=value", e.g. "-param1=1 -param2=0"
params_add string, list A space-seperated list of extra database parameters which are appended to current settings. When used with params and/or params_delete, params_add is evaluated second. In general, parameters are in the format "-param=value", e.g. "-param1=1 -param2=0"
params_delete string, list A space-separated list of extra database parameters to be deleted, such as "-param1" (to remove e.g. "-param1=42") or "-param2=10" (to remove "-param2=10", but not e.g. "-param2=20"). When used with params and/or params_add, params_delete is evaluated last.
enable_auditing boolean Enables or disables auditing for the database.
create_new_db boolean Sets a flag which will re-initialize the database. All data and metadata is deleted during this action.
ldap_server string Comma-separated list of LDAP Servers to use for remote database authentication, e.g. "ldap[s]://". Each server must start with "ldap://" or "ldaps://".
cloud_data_volume_name string The name of the cloud-based storage volume to use (e.g. "DataVolume3"). The volume must be created beforehand.
cache_volume_disk string Specifies disks to use for cache: <diskname>:<volumesize>, e.g. "disk1:7 GiB".
interfaces string Comma-seperated list of network interfaces to use for the database. Leave empty to use all possible network interfaces.
volume_quota string Maximum size of the data volume in MiB, GiB, or TiB. If the quota is reached, the database tries to shrink the volume on start-up if required and possible.
volume_move_delay integer Specifies the delay in seconds after which the volume on a failed node is moved to the reserve node automatically. When no value is set, there is no delay.
builtin_script_language_name string Name of the script language container to use per default without a file name extension.
initial_sql string Absolute path to a YAML file with SQL statements to run during the first database startup.
auto_start boolean Specifies if the database starts on cluster boot automatically.
jdbc_urls tuple, list List of URLs used to search for JDBC drivers, like: bucketfs://bfs2/bucket3/jdbcdir or file:///exa/etc/jdbc_drivers.
oracle_url string An URL used to search for oracle inistant client, like: bucketfs://bfs2/bucket3/oracle_dir.
default_sys_passwd_hash string The hash used to set the default SYS password.
additional_sys_passwd_hashes string A semi-colon seperated list of password hashes that allow authentication as SYS independent of the SYS password set.

Substitute Parameters

The following table describes what parameters can be substituted for another parameter.

Parameter name Substitute parameter
data_volume_id data_volume_name
data_volume_name data_volume_id

Allowed Users

The following users are allowed to run this job:

  • root

Allowed Groups

The following groups are allowed to run this job:

  • root
  • exaadm
  • exadbadm


The following examples show how to run this job in a Python program using XML-RPC or on the command line using confd_client.