
This job creates a new user and syncs the change on all nodes.

Mandatory Parameters

Parameter Name Data Type Description
username string Name of the new user. Example: user_1.
userid integer ID of the new user in integer format. Example: 1001
password string Password for the new user.
group string, integer Group ID or group name for the group that the new user should belong to. Example: exausers
login_enabled boolean Boolean value defining if login is allowed (true) or not (false).

Optional Parameters

Parameter Name Data Type Description
additional_groups list Comma-separated list of group names of additional groups that the new user should be a member of. Example: [root, exausers]
authorized_keys list A list of authorized keys for the new user.
encode_passwd boolean Boolean value defining if the password should be encoded (true) or not encoded (false).

Substitute Parameters

There are no substitute parameters.

Allowed Users

The following users are allowed to run this job:

  • root

Allowed Groups

The following groups are allowed to run this job:

  • root
  • exaadm


The following code snippets show how to use this job using both Python (via XML-RPC) and on the command-line using confd_client.