
This job creates a remote volume.

Mandatory Parameters

Parameter name Data type Description
vol_type string The type of remote volume. The following are valid types: smb, ftp, sftp, webhdfs, webdav, file, s3, gs, azure
url string The URL address of the remote volume.

Optional Parameters

Parameter name Data type Description
remote_volume_id string, integer The remote volume ID. The ID must be over 10000 (5 digits). If you do not enter an ID, one will be created for you.
remote_volume_name string The name of the remote volume. If you do not enter a name, one will be created for you.
username string The username for the remote service.
password string The password for the remote service.
labels list Additional labels for the volume.
options list Options of the volume. Valid options include: verbose, noverifypeer, nocompression, noresume, forcessl, earlytls, webdav, webhdfs, delegation_token=<token>, user=<user>, timeout=<timeout>, and proxy=<proxy>.
owner tuple, list Tuple of (User id, group id) of the database owner in type integer or (user name, user group name).

Substitute Parameters

The following table describes what parameters can be substituted for another parameter.

Parameter name Substitute parameter
remote_volume_name remote_volume_id
remote_volume_id remote_volume_name

Allowed Users

The following users are allowed to run this job:

  • root

Allowed Groups

The following groups are allowed to run this job:

  • root
  • exaadm
  • exastoradm


The following examples show how to run this job in a Python program using XML-RPC or on the command line using confd_client.