The system table lists all connection objects to which certain, restricted scripts were granted access to. Only users with the SELECT ANY DICTIONARY system privilege have access to the table.

Column Name Description
OBJECT_SCHEMA Schema of the object for which the restricted privilege has been granted
OBJECT_NAME Name of the object for which the restricted privilege has been granted
OBJECT_TYPE Type of the object for which the restricted privilege has been granted
FOR_OBJECT_SCHEMA Schema of the object that the privilege is restricted to
FOR_OBJECT_NAME Name of the object that the privilege is restricted to
FOR_OBJECT_TYPE Type of the object that the privilege is restricted to
PRIVILEGE The restricted privilege that is granted
GRANTEE Name of the user/role who/which has been granted the restricted privilege
GRANTOR Name of the user/role who/which has granted the restricted privilege
OWNER Name of the owner of the object for which the restricted privilege is granted