Get Started

Exasol is the high performance, in-memory massively parallel processing (MPP) database specifically designed for analytics. From business critical data applications to advanced analytics, Exasol allows you to quickly analyze large volumes of data, helping you to accelerate your BI and reporting and to turn data into value.

To learn more about the key features and benefits of Exasol, see the Exasol Overview and Quick Info on Exasol sections.

Available editions

Exasol is available in several different editions:

Exasol SaaS Free Trial

Exasol SaaS is a fully-managed service deployed in the cloud, and the quickest way to get started with Exasol. For more information, see SaaS Database Solution, or sign up directly for your 30-day Free Trial.

For instructions on how to get started with Exasol SaaS, see the Exasol SaaS Documentation site.

Cloud editions

Exasol 8 can be deployed on Amazon Web Services (AWS). For more information, see Deploy Exasol on AWS.


You can install Exasol on your own hardware or in a private cloud. For more information, see Exasol On-Prem.

Exasol Docker version

Exasol maintains a dockerized version of the database which can be used for testing purposes. This free version of Exasol is especially helpful for setting up automated tests against the database. The Docker version of Exasol allows up to 10 GiB of Raw Data. All supported versions of Exasol are available as Docker images.

For more information and instructions on getting started, see our GitHub Repository.

Free public demo system

Exasol offers a 30-day free trial of a public demo system hosted in our own cloud, which contains preloaded datasets and a guided tutorial. The demo system is a static shared system and does not provide the full functionality of Exasol. To get access to the free public demo system, sign up here.


Accessibility is an integral part of the Exasol software development lifecycle process. For more information, see Accessibility Features in Exasol .