Use this statement to execute a script.
System privilege EXECUTE ANY SCRIPT, object privilege EXECUTE on the script, or the current user owns the script.
Usage Notes
A script can be created and dropped by using the statements CREATE SCRIPT and DROP SCRIPT.
For information about the script language, see Scripting.
Content and parameters of a script are integrated in the corresponding system tables (for example, EXA_ALL_SCRIPTS).
For more information, see Metadata System Tables.
The return value of a script can be a table or a rowcount. It is specified as option in the CREATE SCRIPT statement.
For more information, see the Return value of a script in Scripting.
When specifying the option WITH OUTPUT, the return value of the script is ignored. In this case always a result table is returned. The table contains all debug messages that are created through the function output() during the script execution.
For more information, see Debug Output in Scripting.
Contrary to views, a script is executed with the privileges of the executing user and not with the privileges of the script owner.