Product Life Cycle

This section covers Exasol release cycle (covers the release type and the frequency of releases), Exasol product life cycle(covers the life cycle of each release of application, drivers, and other packages), product roadmap (covers the upcoming features), and the security patch releases.

Release Type

Exasol release cycle is categorized in into the following release types.

Release Type Description Impact Release Cycle
Major Major version with new features and possible architecture changes. Migration is required because of major changes. 2-3 Years
Minor Updates including small features and bugfixes that won't impact the system stability. No migration required, an application update is required. 6-12 Months
Bugfix Updates with only bugfixes. No migration required, an application update is optional (if you want the bugfixes). 2-6 Weeks

Product Roadmap

Exasol's detailed roadmap is accessible only for partners and customers. The roadmap plan shows features in development with their current status. You need an account to access this information. If you don't have an account yet, please contact us.

Product Life Cycle

Exasol supports each release for two years or till the time the next two releases are available in the market. This life cycle is valid for Exasol application, drivers, and other packages as well. For more information, see Exasol Life Cycle.

Software Security

Exasol provides you CentOS security updates according to the official CentOS announcements. The security update is always cumulative, you just need to install the latest update to get all the previous changes.

You can download the CentOS updates from any of the following locations: