This system table contains the hourly aggregated number of executed SQL statements sorted bythe interval start. Per interval several entries for each command type(for example, SELECT) is created. All users have access to the table.

Column Name Description
INTERVAL_START Timestamp at the start of the aggregation interval
COMMAND_NAME Name of the statement (for example, SELECT, COMMIT, or MERGE)
COMMAND_CLASS Class of statement (for example, DQL, TRANSACTION, or DML)
SUCCESS Result of the statement:
  • TRUE: Statement was executed successfully
  • FALSE: Statement failed (for example, with a data exception)
COUNT Number of executions
DURATION_AVG Average execution time of statements in seconds
DURATION_MAX Maximum execution time of statements in seconds
CPU_AVG Average CPU utilization in percentage
CPU_MAX Maximum CPU utilization in percentage
TEMP_DB_RAM_PEAK_AVG Average usage of temporary DB memory of queries in MiB (cluster wide)
TEMP_DB_RAM_PEAK_MAX Maximum usage of temporary DB memory of queries in MiB (cluster wide)
PERSISTENT_DB_RAM_PEAK_AVG Average usage of modified, persistent DB memory of queries in MiB (cluster wide)
PERSISTENT_DB_RAM_PEAK_MAX Maximum usage of modified, persistent DB memory of queries in MiB (cluster wide)
HDD_READ_AVG Average hard disk read ratio in MiB per second (per node)
HDD_READ_MAX Maximum hard disk read ratio in MiB per second (per node)
HDD_WRITE_AVG Average hard disk write ratio in MiB per second (per node, COMMIT only)
HDD_WRITE_MAX Maximum hard disk write ratio in MiB per second (per node, COMMIT only)
NET_AVG Average network traffic ratio in MiB per second (per node)
NET_MAX Maximum network traffic ratio in MiB per second (per node)
ROW_COUNT_AVG Average number of result rows for queries, or number of affected rows for DML and DDL statements
ROW_COUNT_MAX Maximum number of result rows for queries, or number of affected rows for DML and DDL statements

The following execution modes are supported:

  • EXECUTE: Normal execution of statements
  • PREPARE: Prepared phase for prepared statements
  • CACHED: Cached query results
  • PREPROCESS: Execution of the Preprocessor script
  • CRASHED: Marks the crashed queries (coredumps, segfaults, and so on)