
Exasol is easily integrated with RapidMiner and allows you to create visual workflows using data from an Exasol database. RapidMiner uses Exasol JDBC connector to establish the connection with Exasol.

This section provides you with information about how to connect RapidMiner with Exasol and then import data from Exasol to RapidMiner.


The following environment is used as an example:

  • RapidMiner Studio 9.7 for Windows.
  • Windows Operation System
  • Exasol JDBC Driver


  • Exasol JDBC driver installed on your operating system. You can download the driver from the Exasol downloads section.
  • RapidMiner Studio should be installed
  • An Exasol database should be available for connection

Connect RapidMiner to Exasol

Follow these steps to connect RapidMiner to Exasol database: 

  1. In the Repository tab, right-click Local Repository and select Create Connection. Alternately, select Create Connection in the Connections menu.
  2. In the Create a new connection dialog, select Database as a connection type, provide a name for the connection, and click Create.

  3. In the Edit connection dialog, enter the following details in Setup tab:

    • Database system: Select Custom (configure in Driver tab) option from this drop-down. This will let you configure the Exasol JDBC driver in the driver tab later.
    • User: Enter the database username here.
    • Password: Enter the password for the database user.
    • Configure URL Manually: Select this option and enter the Exasol database IP address with port 8563 and prefix jdbc:exa. For example, jdbc:exa:

  4. In the Driver tab of Edit connection dialog, locate the Exasol JDBC driver .jar file by specifying the path for the file.

  5. Click Test connection to verify a successful connection to Exasol database and then click Save.

Load Data into RapidMiner

Follow these steps to load data into RapidMiner from Exasol database: 

  1. In the Repository tab, click Import Data button. Alternately, select Import Data from the File menu.

  2. In the Import Data - Where is your data? dialog, select Database.
  3. In the Import Data - Select the data location dialog, select the Exasol database connection that you created in Connect RapidMiner to Exasol and click Next.
  4. In the Import Data - Build a query to create a data table dialog, select the table, attributes, and where clause and click Next.

  5. In the Import Data - Where to store the data? dialog, select the location, specify a name for the data table, and click Finish.
    The data will be imported from Exasol to RapidMiner Studio.

Further Information

For more information about RapidMiner, see RapidMiner Documentation.