Train and Predict in Exasol

You can now use the UDF to train your model in Exasol. Inside the UDF you read the data from the database into a data.frame object which is used to run the model. You can then send this model to BucketFS for future usage and return some model information (variable importance in this case).

TrainInExasol2 <- exa.createScript(
  function(data) {

    # Load the required packages

    # Load data in chuks of 1000 rows at a time (very useful knob with big data!)
        if (!data$next_row(1000))

      # Transform into data frame
      df <- data.frame(
              id       = data$id,
              crim     = data$crim,
              zn       = data$zn,
              indus    = data$indus,
              chas     = data$chas,
              nox      = data$nox,
              rm       = data$rm,
              age      = data$age,
              dis      = data$dis,
              rad      = data$rad,
              tax      = data$tax,
              ptratio  = data$ptratio,
              b        = data$b,
              lstat    = data$lstat,
              medv     = data$medv,
              split    = data$split

    # Run random forest
    rf_model2 <- randomForest(medv ~ .-id -split,
                              data = df[df$split=="Train",],
                              importance = TRUE)

    curl_opts = curlOptions(userpwd  = "w:exasol",
                            verbose  = TRUE,
                            httpauth = AUTH_BASIC)
      url     = "",
      content = serialize(rf_model2, ascii = FALSE, connection = NULL),
      curl    = getCurlHandle(.opts = curl_opts)

    # Return the line number

  # Input arguments
  inArgs  = c("id         INT",
              "crim       DOUBLE",
              "zn         DOUBLE",
              "indus      DOUBLE",
              "chas       VARCHAR(10)",
              "nox        DOUBLE",
              "rm         DOUBLE",
              "age        DOUBLE",
              "dis        DOUBLE",
              "rad        DOUBLE",
              "tax        DOUBLE",
              "ptratio    DOUBLE",
              "b          DOUBLE",
              "lstat      DOUBLE",
              "medv       DOUBLE",
              "split      VARCHAR(10)"),

  # Output arguments
  outArgs = c("Variable   CHAR(20)",
              "MSE        DOUBLE",
              "NodePurity DOUBLE")

# Call of the function. The return is stored in an object
variable_importance = TrainInExasol2("id","crim", "zn", "indus", "chas", "nox", "rm", "age", "dis",
                                     "rad", "tax", "ptratio", "b", "lstat", "medv", "split",
                                     table = "r_demo.boston_housing",
                                     groupBy = "iproc(),mod(iproc(),5)",
                                     where = "split = 'Train'")

Now that you have model, rf_model2, stored in BucketFS, you can use it to make predictions on the test data which is in Exasol database. The testing procedure is the same as in the scenario above.

# Create UDF for prediction
PredictInExasol2 <- exa.createScript(
  function(data) {

    # Load the required packages

    # Load data in chuks of 1000 rows at a time
        if (!data$next_row(1000))

      # Load the data into a data.frame
      df <- data.frame(id       = data$id,
                       crim     = data$crim,
                       zn       = data$zn,
                       indus    = data$indus,
                       chas     = data$chas,
                       nox      = data$nox,
                       rm       = data$rm,
                       age      = data$age,
                       dis      = data$dis,
                       rad      = data$rad,
                       tax      = data$tax,
                       ptratio  = data$ptratio,
                       b        = data$b,
                       lstat    = data$lstat,
                       medv     = data$medv,
                       split    = data$split)

    # Set options for retrieving model from bucket
    curl_opts = curlOptions(userpwd  = "r:exasol",
                            verbose  = TRUE,
                            httpauth = AUTH_BASIC)

    # Load the model from the bucket (note that is unserialized)
    rf_model2 = unserialize(httpGET(url = "",
                                   curl = getCurlHandle(.opts = curl_opts)))

    # Use the loaded model to make the prediction
    prediction <- predict(rf_model2, newdata = df)

    # Return the forecast
    data$emit(df$id, df$medv, prediction)

  # iInput arguments
  inArgs  = c("id         INT",
              "crim       DOUBLE",
              "zn         DOUBLE",
              "indus      DOUBLE",
              "chas       VARCHAR(10)",
              "nox        DOUBLE",
              "rm         DOUBLE",
              "age        DOUBLE",
              "dis        DOUBLE",
              "rad        DOUBLE",
              "tax        DOUBLE",
              "ptratio    DOUBLE",
              "b          DOUBLE",
              "lstat      DOUBLE",
              "medv       DOUBLE",
              "split      VARCHAR(10)"),

  # Output arguments
  outArgs = c("id         INT",
              "RealValue  DOUBLE",
              "Prediction DOUBLE")

# Create a table with the real values and predicted ones
prediction_output2 = PredictInExasol2("id","crim", "zn", "indus", "chas", "nox", "rm", "age", "dis",
                                      "rad", "tax", "ptratio", "b", "lstat", "medv", "split",
                                      table = "r_demo.boston_housing",
                                      groupBy = "iproc(),mod(iproc(),5)",
                                      where = "split = 'Test'")

# Check the root mean squared error (RMSE)
RMSE = sqrt(mean((prediction_output2$PREDICTION - prediction_output2$REALVALUE)^2))
# 3.35, similar to the one above