Database Essentials

Exasol databases must be stored in EXAStorage Data Volumes. At least one Data Volume has to be created before a database can be created therefore. See Volumes Overview for details. Only one database can actively use a volume. Even though it is possible to create multiple data volumes and multiple databases using these volumes inside the same Exasol cluster, this is not recommended for production systems.

Assign Nodes

Add database

Upon adding a database with EXAoperation, all nodes designated for that database – usually all available cluster nodes – are being assigned to the Node list. That means active nodes as well as reserve nodes.

The number of active nodes entered into the second field must match the number of master nodes of the assigned data volume (v0000 in the example). The Runtime disk (d002_data in the example) will be used to store logfiles, tracefiles etc. of that database.

Assign RAM

The amount of RAM that can be assigned to the database is limited by the license and the available RAM on the cluster nodes. It is recommended to leave 10% of the server’s RAM for the operation system of the node.


4+1 Cluster with node RAM of 100 GB for each node.

That makes 400 GB in total for the active nodes.

10% = 40 GB subtracted leaves 360 GB of available RAM.

The purchased license allows for 300 GB -> Assign 300 GB for the database.

Status “Not Created”

After adding the database it shows now as Not created in EXAoperation.

Select the Action "Create"

From the pull-down list on the database page, select the action Create.