Download Local Backup

EXAoperation provides database backups over FTP, SFTP, HTTP, and HTTPS. The contained file hierarchy includes virtual tar.gz files that provide the content of sub-directories in a compressed form and are visible with a size of zero bytes. Some client tools may have problems downloading these files as they see no content or probably small part of the data. In such cases, use cURL or LFTP that is available for most Linux distributions and Windows.

The following table shows the ports for each protocol.

Protocol Port URL Structure


ftp://<EXAoperation IP>:2021


sftp://<EXAoperation IP>:2022

The performance of SFTP is low compared to the other protocols. For more information, see the knowledge base article SFTP performance.



http://<EXAoperation IP>:2080


https://<EXAoperation IP>:2443

Ensure that clients located outside of the cluster are able to communicate with the cluster on the specified ports. You may need to adjust Firewall or network settings to enable this communication.


  1. As an administrator user, log in to EXAoperation and go to Network.

  2. In System tab, uncheck Disable Backup Download Interfaces.

    For HTTP and FTP interfaces, uncheck Disable unencrypted EXAoperation interfaces as well.

  3. In Services > Exaoperation, click Restart to restart EXAoperation.

    It may take some time for EXAoperation to be online again.

  4. Use WinSCP or similar tool to access the backup file(s) over any of the available protocols (SFTP/ FTP/ HTTPS/ HTTP).

    Use your EXAoperation account credentials to log in. All users who have read-access to the archive volume storing the backups can access the files.

  5. Download all of the files for the required backup. Each backup is stored in a folder corresponding to the backup ID