Get Debug Information for Support

When you need support, you can open a ticket if you have the appropriate license agreement with Exasol. If you do so, it helps if you can provide as much information as possible.

To increase efficiency and reduce the time spent by agents following up with you, consider providing us with the following information:

  • Version of Exasol in use
  • Network information, such as the IP CIDR block, IP subnet, and netmask
  • The IP addresses of all Exasol nodes
  • Number of data nodes
  • Number of storage disks attached per node
  • Backup strategy, and location (local or remote)
  • If there are backups, how long does a full backup take?
  • Any other important / considerable settings / modifications
  • Create database statistics using EXAoperation

Additionally, use the Exasol operations front-end (EXAoperation) to get the following information:

  • Cluster information
  • You can retrieve general information about the cluster, such as details about disks, partitions, software versions, etc. Go to Services > Support and click Get cluster information. A text window opens, and you can copy and paste this into a mail or a support ticket.

  • Database statistics
  • Exasol logs system information in statistical system tables (in the EXA_STATISTICS schema). This information provides insight concerning changes in database behavior. These statistics also provide a good starting point for further system analysis concerning sizing and performance. To know how to download the database statistics, see Download Database Statistics.

  • Debug Information
  • Depending on your issue, you need to provide specific debug information. Often this will be requested by the support agent.

One of the most important things you can do when reporting an issue is to provide as much relevant information as possible at the beginning. Some guidelines to consider are:

  • What is the problem? Describe the issue as clearly as possible.
  • When did the problem occur? Try and narrow it down to a specific session or time of day.
  • Provide the relevant log files (see below for more information).
  • Provide any other additional information that could assist with solving the issue.

Debug Use Cases

This section provides you with information about different use cases where the debug information is required and what type of log is required for that use case.

Bad Query/System Performance

In case of bad performance of a query or complete system, Exasol needs the following logs to resolve the problem:

  • SQL/Server logs for before(if available) and after the performance issue.
  • Potential profiling of the problematic query.
  • Comparison Session IDs
  • ClusterOS logs

Transaction Conflicts

In case of transaction conflicts, Exasol needs the SQL/Server logs with named Session ID to resolve the problem:

SQL Process Aborted

In case of aborted SQL processes, Exasol needs the following logs to resolve the problem:

  • Coredumps
  • SQL/Server Processes


In case of import or JDBC issues, Exasol needs the following logs to resolve the problem:

  • SQL/Server for the entire day
  • JDBC backtraces

Database Crash

In case of database crash, Exasol needs the following logs to resolve the problem:

  • Coredumps
  • SQL/Server Processes
  • ClusterOS logs

Additional Information

The following sections describe how to get specific debug information: