
Use this statement to create a connection.


  • You need to have the system privilege CREATE CONNECTION.
  • If the OR REPLACE option has been specified and the connection already exists, the rights for DROP CONNECTION are also needed.



Create Connection

Create Connection

Usage Notes

  • You can use external connections within the IMPORT and EXPORT statements. Users must have the corresponding access rights to the connection (through GRANT). The connection, including the ADMIN OPTION, is automatically granted to the creator.
  • Connections can control the read access for users who want to use scripts for processing data from local buckets stored in BucketFS. For more information, refer to the BucketFS section.
  • You can define an Exasol connection, a native connection to an Oracle database, a JDBC connection to any database, or a connection to a file server. Some JDBC drivers are pre-installed and are visible in EXAoperation. The JDBC drivers can be addressed within the connection string (for example, jdbc:mysql, jdbc:postgres).
  • You can additionally manage the drivers in EXAoperation and choose the driver with the DRIVER option of the IMPORT/EXPORT command if two or more drivers have the same prefix. See Manage JDBC Drivers for more information.
  • Only the pre-installed JDBC drivers are tested and officially supported. However, our support team will try to help you in case of problems with other drivers.

  • The declaration of username and password is optional and can be specified within the IMPORT and EXPORT statements.
  • Invalid connection data will not be noticed before the usage within the IMPORT and EXPORT statements.
  • Information about database connections can be found in the corresponding system tables, for example EXA_ALL_CONNECTIONS.
  • You can rename a connection by using the RENAME command.
  • Connection names follow the same naming rules as SQL identifiers, but connection names are not case sensitive. This means that the connection names "Test", "TEST", and test are synonymous. For more information, refer to SQL identifier.


CREATE CONNECTION ftp_connection
       TO ''
       USER 'agent_007'
       IDENTIFIED BY 'secret';
CREATE CONNECTION exa_connection TO '';
  (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))
CREATE CONNECTION jdbc_connection_1
       TO 'jdbc:mysql://';
CREATE CONNECTION jdbc_connection_2
       TO 'jdbc:postgresql://';
TO ''
USER '<key-ID>' 
IDENTIFIED BY '<secret-key>'

A fully qualified S3 URL in the format <bucket-name>.s3.<region-code> will become available immediately when you have created the bucket. A URL in the legacy global endpoint format <bucket-name> may need up to 24 hours to become available.