
This section explains how to access and use EXAsupport.

In case you have an issue with Exasol, our Support team can help you resolve it. To make it possible for the Support team to investigate and troubleshoot your issue, you need to provide log files from your system. EXAsupport is an Exasol command-line tool used to create logs.

For additional information about how to gather information for Support and create different types of logs, see Log Files for Support.

To get help, create a case.

Access EXAsupport

EXAsupport is available on all nodes. To access EXAsupport, log in to COS on the deployment using Exasol Deployment Tool (c4).

c4 connect -t1/cos

To get started with EXAsupport, view the EXAsupport help.

exasupport -h

The user executing the EXAsupport commands is the user who is currently logged into the node, which is typically root. There are no extra authentication steps when using EXAsupport in this way.

EXAsupport Option Definitions

Options can be added to the command using the full (long) format or short format.

Option (long format) Option (short format) Description
--help -h

Lists all options, definitions, and syntax.


Comma-separated list of debug info to retrieve.

1 = EXAClusterOS logs

2 = coredumps

3 = EXAStorage

metadata or 0 = retrieve all debug info

--start-time=YYYY-MM-DD [HH:MM] -s YYYY-MM-DD [HH:MM]

Start time of logs

--stop-time=YYYY-MM-DD [HH:MM] -t YYYY-MM-DD [HH:MM] Stop time of logs

Comma-separated list of system names to retrieve logs from.

all databases = all systems


EXASolution log type

1 = all logs

2 = SQL processes

3 = server processes

--session=SESSION -i SESSION

The session(s) from which to retrieve logs. Multiple sessions can be defined by repeating the option. For example:

-i 1 -i 2 -i 3


Process back traces:

1 = EXASolution server processes

2 = EXASolution SQL processes

3 = EXAClusterOS processes

4 = ETL JDBC Jobs

--nodes=NODES -n NODES

Comma separated list of node IDs. For example:

-n n11,n12,n13

By default, all online nodes will be included in the log.

--only-archives -a Only download archives.
--only-open-files -f Only download open files.
--estimate -m Only estimate size of debug information (dry run).
--outfile=OUTFILE -o OUTFILE

Filename and path to a local or remote output file.

<remote volume name>,<path in volume>

Check Free Disk Space

Logs can become very large. Before you generate a log, determine the estimated size of the log and ensure you have enough free disk space on the node to store it.

  1. To estimate the resulting log file size, add the Estimate parameter (-m) to the end of the EXAsupport command that you want to run. EXAsupport will then perform a dry run of the command and return an estimated size for the result. For example:

    [root@n10 ~]# exasupport -x2 -m
    12.34 MB

  2. To check your free disk space on the node that will store the log, run the command df (disk free) with the option -h (human readable). For example:

    [root@n10 ~]# df -h
    Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    /dev/nvme1n1     98G   24G   70G  26% /
    /dev/root        20G  1.8G   18G   9% /var/log/host
    tmpfs           372M  872K  371M   1% /run/lvm
    none             64M     0   64M   0% /dev
    none            1.9G     0  1.9G   0% /dev/shm
    none            1.9G     0  1.9G   0% /tmp