View Details
This article describes how to view details about a database or cluster in Exasol SaaS.
Click on the info icon on the database or cluster in the web console to open a popup window that provides detailed information about the database, including the connection details that you need when connecting to a cluster from a tool.
Database Details
AWS Region ID | The AWS region where the database is provisioned |
Database ID | The database ID |
Data Virtuality Pipes integration | Indicates if a connection to Data Virtuality Pipes is configured for the database |
Veezoo integration | Indicates if a connection to Veezoo is configured for the database |
Keboola integration | Indicates if a connection to Keboola is configured for the database |
Cluster Details
vCPU | The number of virtual CPUs used for the cluster (determined by the instance type) |
Memory | The amount of RAM available for the cluster (determined by the instance type) |
Cluster ID | The cluster ID |
Auto-Stop | The time period in minutes after which the cluster is stopped if there is no activity |
Connection string | The connection string to use when connecting to the cluster from a tool |
Port | The port to use when connecting to the cluster from a tool |
User name | The user name to use when connecting to the cluster from a tool |