View Details

This article describes how to view details about a database or cluster in Exasol SaaS.

Click on the info icon on the database or cluster in the web console to open a popup window that provides detailed information about the database, including the connection details that you need when connecting to a cluster from a tool.

Database Details

database information

AWS Region ID The AWS region where the database is provisioned
Database ID The database ID
Data Virtuality Pipes integration Indicates if a connection to Data Virtuality Pipes is configured for the database
Veezoo integration Indicates if a connection to Veezoo is configured for the database
Keboola integration Indicates if a connection to Keboola is configured for the database

Cluster Details

cluster information

vCPU The number of virtual CPUs used for the cluster (determined by the instance type)
Memory The amount of RAM available for the cluster (determined by the instance type)
Cluster ID The cluster ID
Auto-Stop The time period in minutes after which the cluster is stopped if there is no activity
Connection string The connection string to use when connecting to the cluster from a tool
Port The port to use when connecting to the cluster from a tool
User name The user name to use when connecting to the cluster from a tool