The system table provides complete information on all of the users known to the system. Only users with the SELECT ANY DICTIONARY system privilege have access to the table.
Column Name | Description |
USER_NAME | Name of the user |
CREATED | Time when the user was created |
DISTINGUISHED_NAME | For the authorization against a LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (authentication service) server |
KERBEROS_PRINCIPAL | Kerberos principal |
OPENID_SUBJECT | OpenID subject |
PASSWORD | Encoded hash value of the password |
USER_CONSUMER_GROUP | Consumer Group of the user |
PASSWORD_STATE_CHANGED | Timestamp when the password state has changed, either by password change or by password expiry |
PASSWORD_EXPIRY | Timestamp when the password will expire or has been expired (if NULL, the password will never expire) |
PASSWORD_EXPIRY_DAYS | Number of days after which the user password expires after the last password change (if NULL, the password will never expire) |
PASSWORD_GRACE_DAYS | Number of days within the user has to change the password after it has expired (if NULL, there is no grace period and the user will directly be blocked from login after the expiry) |
PASSWORD_EXPIRY_POLICY | User-specific expiry policy as specified via ALTER USER command, overwriting the corresponding global system parameter |
FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS | Number of failed login attempts by the user since last successful login |
USER_COMMENT | Comment on the user |