Predict Through UDF in SQL
This section explains how to run the prediction model from the Exasol native environment in the SQL development tool.
The model can be deployed using a UDF that dynamically executes R code. This is similar to what is described in Train and Predict in Exasol, except for the way you get the data from the database via the context object ctx
For more details on R UDFs, see R.
-- 1. Create prediction function
CREATE OR REPLACE R SET SCRIPT r_demo.predict3(...) EMITS (id INT, RealValue DOUBLE, Prediction DOUBLE) AS
# Load library
# Get number of columns
numCols <- exa$meta$input_column_count
# Create empty list with length numCols
l = vector("list", numCols)
run <- function(ctx) {
# Load the model from the bucket
rf_model = readRDS("/buckets/bucketfs1/bucket1/rf_model")
# ...or depending on the file type
# Split input into modest sized chunks, this can be adjusted for memory consumption
if (!ctx$next_row(1000000))
# Populate list with data columns
for (i in 1:numCols){
l[[i]] <- ctx[[i]]()
# Convert to data.frame for modeling
df =
# Set the column names
# From the model object, note: model/scenario specific
# the_colnames <- names(rf_model$forest$xlevels)
# colnames(df) = the_colnames
# Assign manually, note: not dynamic
# Note: case sensitive when using double quotes
colnames(df) <- c("id", "crim", "zn", "indus", "chas", "nox", "rm",
"age", "dis", "rad", "tax", "ptratio", "b", "lstat", "medv", "split")
# Get predictions
prediction <- predict(rf_model, newdata = df)
# Output ids, real values and predicted ones
ctx$emit(df$id, df$medv, prediction)
-- 2. Run prediction function
SELECT r_demo.predict3(id,crim, zn, indus, chas, nox, rm, age, dis, rad, tax, ptratio, b, lstat, medv, split)
FROM r_demo.boston_housing
WHERE split = 'Test'
GROUP BY IPROC() -- Node number for data locality
, MOD(ROWNUM, 5) -- Number of processes per node
The UDFs you created are saved in your schema and can be accessed using an SQL client.