Remove Local Archive Volume

This section explains how to remove a local archive volume.

Removing a local archive volume does not delete any data stored in the data volume.

This procedure is carried out using ConfD.


The following examples use ConfD through the command-line tool confd_client, which is available on all database nodes. For more information, see ConfD.

  1. Connect to EXAClusterOS (COS) on the cluster using c4 connect -t <DEPLOYMENT>[.<NODE>]/cos. For example:

    ./c4 connect -t 1.11/cos

    If you do not specify a node, c4 will connect to the first active node in the deployment.

    For more information about how to use c4 connect, see How to use c4.

  2. To find the exact name or ID of the archive volume to be removed, use the ConfD job st_volume_list. For example:

    confd_client st_volume_list | grep name
    name: LocalArchiveVolume1
  3. To remove the identified archive volume, use the ConfD job st_volume_delete. For example:

    confd_client st_volume_delete vname: LocalArchiveVolume1


To verify that the local archive volume has been removed, use the ConfD job st_volume_list again as described above.