Configure Network Settings

This section describes the necessary Amazon EC2 security group rules and the default ports used by Exasol.

Security group rules

The following inbound/outbound traffic must be allowed for the security group associated with your Exasol deployment:

  • SQL client connections to the database
  • SSH access to all cluster nodes
  • HTTPS access to the Administration API
  • NTP
  • DNS


  • LDAP

For information on how to configure Amazon EC2 security group rules, see Security group rules - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud.

Default ports

The following tables describe the default ports used in Exasol for different protocols and services. Many of these protocols and database management systems can be manually configured to use other ports.

Incoming ports

Protocol Port Source Destination Description
TCP 4444

Customer network

All nodes HTTPS access to the Administration API
TCP 2580 Database client Database nodes

Default BucketFS service

You must assign a HTTP or HTTPS port for each BucketFS service that you create.

TCP 8563 Database client Database nodes Exasol database client connection port
TCP 20000 to 21000 Database nodes (source) Database nodes (target) Data transfer between nodes
TCP 20002

Customer network

All nodes Shell access to EXACluster Operating System (COS) on all nodes
TCP 20003

Customer network

All nodes XML-RPC access to ConfD

Outgoing ports

Protocol Port Source Destination Description
TCP 20 Database nodes FTP server

FTP data port for IMPORT/EXPORT

Additional ports may be required for passive transfer mode.

TCP 21 Database nodes FTP server FTP command port for IMPORT/EXPORT
TCP 53 All nodes DNS server DNS port
TCP 80 Database nodes HTTP server HTTP port for IMPORT/EXPORT
TCP 123 All nodes NTP server NTP port
TCP 389 All nodes LDAP server LDAP port
TCP 443 Database nodes HTTPS server HTTPS port for IMPORT/EXPORT
TCP 636 All nodes LDAPS server LDAPS port
TCP 990 Database nodes FTPS server FTPS port for IMPORT/EXPORT
TCP 1433 Database nodes SQL Server database SQL Server port (JDBC connection)
TCP 1521 Database nodes Oracle database Oracle server port (JDBC/ORA connection)
TCP 3306 Database nodes MySQL database MySQL server port (JDBC connection)
TCP 5000 Database nodes Sybase ASE database Sybase ASE server port (JDBC connection)
TCP 5432 Database nodes PostgreSQL database PostgreSQL server port (JDBC connection)
TCP 8563 Database nodes Database client Exasol database client connection port
TCP 20000 to 21000 Database nodes (source) Database nodes (target) Data transfer between nodes
TCP 50000 Database nodes DB2 database DB2 server port (JDBC connection)

Next steps

Basic Deployment

When you have installed and configured c4 and ensured that the necessary security group rules are added in AWS, you can create your first deployment. This section explains how to create a basic deployment of Exasol 8 using c4.