This article explains how to connect SAS to an Exasol database.

SAS provides SAS/ACCESS Interfaces to access an Exasol database using ODBC and JDBC.

Exasol takes no responsibility for changes in functionality or terms of use for third-party tools. For more details about the compatibility and use of these tools with Exasol, refer to the respective software vendor’s website.


  • You have one of the following SAS/ACCESS interfaces licensed and installed:
    • SAS/ACCESS Interface for ODBC
    • SAS/ACCESS Interface for JDBC
  • An Exasol database is running and accessible from your SAS system

Connect SAS to Exasol via ODBC

  1. Download and install the Exasol ODBC driver on the SAS machine and create a DSN to your Exasol database.
  2. Configure the following LIBNAME statement in the SAS/ACCESS Interface for ODBC:
  3. LIBNAME Exasol ODBC dsn="your-exasol-dsn" SCHEMA=your_schema USER=your_exasol_user PASSWORD=your_exasol_pwd;
  4. Optionally modify DBCOMMIT, INSERTBUFF, READBUFF settings of LIBNAME statement to increase data transfer performance. Additionally, refer to the SAS/ACCESS Interface for ODBC documentation for more information.

Connect SAS to Exasol via JDBC

  1. Download the Exasol JDBC driver on the SAS machine.
  2. Configure the following LIBNAME statement in the SAS/ACCESS Interface for JDBC:
  3. LIBNAME Exasol JDBC CLASSPATH="/path/to/jdbc/driver"
  4. Optionally modify DBCOMMIT, INSERTBUFF, READBUFF settings of LIBNAME statement to increase data transfer performance. Additionally, refer to the SAS/ACCESS Interface for JDBC documentation for more information.

Testing the Connection

Run the following PROC SQL procedure and verify that it returns Connection works:

proc sql;
select 'Connection works' from dual;