
This section describes how to connect Alteryx to an Exasol database.

For more information about Alteryx, refer to the Alteryx Documentation.

Exasol takes no responsibility for any changes in functionality or terms of use for the third-party software described in this section. For more information, refer to the respective software vendor’s website.


The following procedure uses the Alteryx Designer trial version on Windows.


  • A running Exasol database
  • Exasol ODBC driver must be installed. You can download drivers from the Exasol Downloads portal. For more information, see Drivers.
  • Alteryx for Windows installed

Connect Alteryx to Exasol

  1. Launch Alteryx application and select In-Database ribbon.

    The ribbon is not visible if the ODBC driver is not installed.

  2. Drag Connect In-Database from the ribbon to a new work flow.
  3. Select Manage Connections from the drop-down in Connection Name.

    Connect Alteryx to Exasol

  4. Do the following in the Manage In-DB Connections dialog:
    1. Select Exasol in the Data Source drop-down.
    2. Click New in the Connection section to define new database connection.
    3. Select New database connection in the Connection String drop-down.

    Connect Alteryx to Exasol

  5. Click ODBC Admin button on the Exasol Connection dialog.
  6. Click Add button in the User DSN tab of the ODBC Data Source Administrator dialog.

    Connect Alteryx to Exasol

  7. Select EXASolution Driver in Create New Data Source and then click Finish.

    Connect ALteryx to Exasol

  8. Do the following in the Exasol ODBC configuration dialog and then click OK:
    1. Enter data source name.
    2. Enter a connection string.
    3. Enter database username and password.

    Connect ALteryx to Exasol

    Exasol database is connected to Alteryx.