Terminology and Timeline

This section explains globally accepted business continuity concepts and terminology, and how they relate to Exasol.


The following table describes the important business continuity terms:

Term Definition Exasol Definition
Recovery Time Objective (RTO) Maximum acceptable duration of time the business can be without a service before incurring significant risks or significant losses. In other words, RTO refers to the point in time in the future at which the service must be up and running again after a disaster. Duration of time from the disaster event until Exasol is up and running with data from the last successful backup. If a non-blocking restore is done, Exasol could be operational but with limited capacity while the last successful backup is being restored.

Recovery Point Objective (RPO)

Maximum acceptable amount of data loss, measured in time. In other words, RPO refers to the point in time in the past to which you will recover in the event of an outage.

The maximum database backup age.

Recovery Capacity Level (RCL)

Capacity level available during emergency operations until the services are fully recovered.

The database is up and running, but might be slower than usual due to loading of stored input transactions or the background restore of backup data.

Recover Capacity Time (RCT)

Duration of time until the services are fully recovered.

Duration of time from the disaster event until the database is running at full capacity.

Business Continuity Timeline

Business Continuity Timeline Exasol

At the point of a disaster event, the system experiences downtime and recovery efforts begin. Depending on the recovery plan for the system, there could be a time period where the replacement hardware is prepared. Once the hardware is ready, a restore of the last successful backup begins. During this period, it might be possible to use the system at a limited capacity. Once the backup has been restored, any data that was created after the last successful backup must also be loaded (if the system permits storing input transactions for a period of time).