Version 8.9.0 Release Notes

Please view the list below for an overview of all changes in version 8.9.0. Version 8.9.0 was released on 2023-02-02.

Changed Behavior

Changelog Entry Changed Behavior
16000 Changing the replication border for existing systems can't be done using the command-line parameter anymore. A database will not start anymore if the command line parameter -soft_replicationborder_in_numrows is set. Instead the sql interface 'ALTER SYSTEM SET REPLICATION_BORDER' should be used.
15525 Correct virtual schema data types are enforced at runtime
11718 A Password Security Policy's maximum number of failed logins is no longer applied to database users who authenticate with LDAP and Kerberos.
11628 A Password Security Policy's maximum number of failed logins is no longer applied to SYS.


Changelog Entry Summary
16196 Extend support of SELECT without FROM
16000 Replication border can be set now with ALTER SYTEM without restarting the database
15525 Correct virtual schema data types are enforced at runtime

Bug Fixes

Changelog Entry Summary
16048 Queries on system tables having filters with invalid values may crash
16033 Compression anomaly for string columns
15986 Incorrect results for SET EMITS UDF for large group by groups on multiple nodes
15702 first_value/last_value may cause internal server error
15605 Uploading Oracle Instant Client to BucketFS fails
13272 Correlated subquery with DISTINCT and GROUP BY causes internal server error
11718 PASSWORD_SECURITY_POLICY (MAX_FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS) also applies to LDAP-authenticated users
11546 CREATE VIEW fails if creator does not have all SELECT permissions
10637 Owner privileges are not checked during view creation with CTE's