Version 8.32.0 Release Notes

This list provides an overview of all changes in version 8.32.0. Version 8.32.0 was released on 2024-11-08.

Download version 8.32.0

Changed behavior

Changelog entry Changed behavior
21878 Release 8.3.0 of the Script-Languages-Container was integrated, which provides security related updates of several Ubuntu and PyPi packages. Changed packages of SLC can be found at:
21755 The builtin_script_language_name option has been removed from the db_create and db_configure ConfD jobs.
20241 The return value of LOCALTIMESTAMP now conforms to the SQL Standard and has the data type TIMESTAMP.
13712 TIMESTAMP(6) is no longer an alias for TIMESTAMP(3).
13409 Many changes related to the TIMESTAMP and TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE data types and date/time functions. Please see changelog entry.
8788 The following is relevant for users of: IMPORT ... FROM ORA ..., and/or EXPORT ... INTO ORA .... Exasol has been updated to support the newer Oracle Instant Client version The previously supported version was The Oracle Instant Client needs to be updated to version (the respective .zip file needs to be uploaded). Existing installations (having instant client < will not work anymore. Caution: This update may break compatibility with older Oracle databases. Please see Oracle's documentation and/or compatibility matrices for details. For more information and downloads, please see the following.

New features

Changelog entry Summary
21903 New option to force S3 SDFS backend
21657 Deployment including reserve nodes


Changelog entry Summary
21878 Script Language Container is updated to version 8.3.0
21755 BuiltinScriptLanguageName has been moved to "Global" section of EXAConf
21280 An unnecessary jQuery dependency was removed
21243 IMPORT/EXPORT FROM/INTO EXA: No More Special Configuration for IP and Port
20426 Add caching to improve optimizer performance (Part 1)
16273 TLS Certificate Verification for Loader File Connections (CSV, FBV, LOCAL files)
13409 Extended Timestamp Fractional Seconds Precision
8788 Support for newer Oracle Instant Client

Bug fixes

Changelog entry Summary
22224 Fixed race condition for native connections to Oracle databases during IMPORT/EXPORT
22223 Fixed memory leaks for native connections to Oracle databases during IMPORT/EXPORT
22091 Use a different default email address for on-prem installations
21877 Database doesn't accept connections or process SQL statements
21844 Storage Synchornization hangs in special scenarios
21824 No more incorrect error messages for scheduled backups on non-master nodes
21768 Usage of scalar subqueries in views can lead to Feature not supported Error
21218 LdapServers in EXAConf no longer causes AttributeErrors
20424 TO_DATE(TIMESTAMP, format) causes internal server error for non-constant format
20404 Fixed handling of "authorized_keys" entries that contain a "from" option
20374 SDDC Database started on wrong nodes
20241 LOCALTIMESTAMP returns the wrong data type
20233 SLCs are not set by default when creating a database with job 'db_create'
20025 Connection server may crash under rare circumstances
19874 Stabilize automatic database restart in case of node failures
19606 Scalar subqueries can lead to wrong results in combination with UNION and VALUES clause
17602 Empty timestamp literal returns NULL instead of an error
13712 TIMESTAMP(6) was an alias for TIMESTAMP(3)