Version 8.29.6 Release Notes

Release date: 2025-01-14

This list provides an overview of all changes in version 8.29.6.

Download version 8.29.6 from the Exasol Download Portal.

Changed behavior

Changelog entry Changed behavior
22864 The UDF client binary name in the standard container has been renamed exaudfclient_py3 → exaudfclient Release 9.0.0 of the Script-Languages-Container was integrated, which also provides security related updates of several packages. Changed packages of SLC can be found at:
22457 The c4 parameter CCC_GROUND_PROC_FILES_OPEN is no longer available.


Changelog entry Summary
22864 Script Language Container is updated to version 9.0.0

Bug fixes

Changelog entry Summary
22891 Node startup can occasionally fail due to internal timing issues
22808 Improved ConfD responsiveness during high memory load scenarios
22599 Remote backups using FTP/FTPS or SMB do not work on systems with large numbers of nodes and large amounts of data.
22591 Adding db worker clusters becomes slower as more workers / nodes are added
22561 Performance degradation on object-storage based cloud systems
22557 "Permission denied" monitoring events for "_pycache_" directories
22554 ConfD API not available immediately after startup finished
22457 Removed an unusued c4 ground parameter that triggered security audit tools
22406 System deadlocks on high workload systems
22397 Obtaining backtraces for Exasol Support using "exasupport" tool is broken
22263 Adding a HASHTYPE column with default NULL to a table crashes
22106 Failure to scale db cluster up/down via ConfD job "infra_db_scale" leaves inconsistent state
22079 c4: Fix SSM connection hanging when no terminal was attached
21994 Virtual Schema pushdown response with scalar subselect fails
21824 No more incorrect error messages for scheduled backups on non-master nodes
20233 SLCs are not set by default when creating a database with job 'db_create'
13438 Race condition during storage startup
7802 IMPORT/EXPORT job could hang indefinitely in rare cases