Version 8.29.3 Release Notes

This list provides an overview of all changes in version 8.29.3. Version 8.29.3 was released on 2024-10-30.

Download version 8.29.3

Changed behavior

Changelog entry Changed behavior
21878 Release 8.3.0 of the Script-Languages-Container was integrated, which provides security related updates of several Ubuntu and PyPi packages. Changed packages of SLC can be found at:

New features

Changelog entry Summary
21657 Deployment including reserve nodes


Changelog entry Summary
21878 Script Language Container is updated to version 8.3.0
21168 Better observability in case of Database hangs

Bug fixes

Changelog entry Summary
21877 Database doesn't accept connections or process SQL statements
21844 Storage Synchornization hangs in special scenarios
21218 LdapServers in EXAConf no longer causes AttributeErrors