Version 8.29.0 Release Notes

This list provides an overview of all changes in version 8.29.0. Version 8.29.0 was released on 2024-07-12.

Download version 8.29.0

This version includes fixes for a security vulnerability. We strongly recommend reading the change log below and updating as soon as possible if you are affected. If you have any questions or require assistance, contact support.

Changed behavior

Changelog entry Changed behavior
20710 Adapter Notes are limited to two million characters. See: Exasol enforces this limit now during virtual schema creation.
20571 A "c4_cloud_command" service reboot is not anymore necessary after calling job `cert_update` for BucketFS HTTPS interface to work.
19944 Now an exception is thrown: "data exception - boundary value for RANGE has to be exact numeric when order by expression is exact numeric" when common type of ORDER BY expression type and boundaries types is DOUBLE and type of ORDER BY expression is not DOUBLE, e.g. ORDER BY has type DECIMAL(36, 0) and preceding value has type DOUBLE or DECIMAL(36,36).
17833 System heap limit should not be set via DB parameter "-maxSystemHeapMemory". Option "max_system_heap_memory" of ConfD job "db_configure" should be used instead.

New features

Changelog entry Summary
18859 Sessions can be distributed automatically across a number of clusters


Changelog entry Summary
21222 db_configure now checks database name
20572 Disabled weak MAC algorithms
20571 Uploading certificates no longer requires a system restart for BucketFS HTTPS interface to use them
20515 The unused drive_handler component was removed from COS.
18980 Exasol container may be recreated on updates
17833 Improved configuration of database system heap memory

Bug fixes

Changelog entry Summary
21206 db_configure handles "None" for "params" incorrectly
21198 A race condition in the database mechanism for enlarging and shrinking storage volumes can lead to a database crash
21173 Remove extra logging of virtual schemas when selecting from system tables
21151 Compression may affect data entries in existing tables under rare conditions.
21141 exasupport now prints the collected session IDs into content.txt
21084 IMPORT/EXPORT using Kerberos authentication for JDBC data sources will fail
20991 ALTER VIRTUAL SCHEMA doesn't update columns if only the column-level adapter notes changed
20907 Recompression may affect data entries in existing tables under rare conditions.
20792 Rare session crash with filtering optimization
20745 exasupport now generates human-readable timestamps in content.txt
20710 Limit VS Adapter Note Size to 2 million characters
20709 Rare race condition during query execution
20541 Column name resolution of WITH clause in combination with UNION ALL fails
20173 Accelerate backup abort when no disk space is available to prevent db from becoming unresponsive
20165 LISTAGG with DISTINCT may cause an Internal Server Error
19944 Invalid range window in analytic functions
19318 Setting derived column name fails for UNION ALL
19173 smb remote volumes (backup / restore) broken