Version 8.27.0 Release Notes

This list provides an overview of all changes in version 8.27.0. Version 8.27.0 was released on 2024-05-02.

Download version 8.27.0

Changed behavior

Changelog entry Changed behavior
20402 The default SSHd port in docker containers has been changed to 20002.
19716 The datatype returned by CURRENT_SCHEMA, CURRENT_USER and CURRENT_CLUSTER is changed to "maximal": 128 characters length and UTF8 character set.
19403 Exasupport prints an informative message when a requested session log cannot be found. A log archive is still created, as failing to find a session log does not imply an error.


Changelog entry Summary
20402 New SSHd default port in docker dontainers
20252 Incremental cluster enlargement
19781 Improved transaction throughput for setups with queued sessions
19403 exasupport warns about missing session logs

Bug fixes

Changelog entry Summary
20386 MERGE INTO a zonemapped column can lead to wrong results in filtering
19757 Remote volume and BucketFS passwords that are valid base64 not stored correctly