Load data from Hive
This section explains how to connect and load data from Hive using Cloudera Hive JDBC driver.
Download driver
Download the compatible Cloudera Hive JDBC driver.
If you want to use any other driver, contact Exasol support team.
Add JDBC driver
To add the JDBC driver, create a configuration file called settings.cfg
with the following settings:
Follow the procedure described in Add JDBC Driver to upload the settings.cfg
configuration and JDBC driver files to Exasol.
With some driver versions you may receive an error message indicating file permission issues. In this case you may have to disable the security manager by adding the line NOSECURITY=YES
to the settings.cfg file.
Run statement
Run the following statement to import your data:
-- Connecting EXAloader via Cloudera Hive driver to Cloudera,
-- MapR, and Hortonworks Hadoop distributions
-- cloudera-quickstart-vm-5.13.0-0-vmware
create or replace connection hive_conn to 'jdbc:hive2://' user
'cloudera' identified by 'cloudera';
-- MapR-Sandbox-For-Hadoop-6.1.0-vmware
create or replace connection hive_conn to 'jdbc:hive2://' user
'mapr' identified by 'mapr';
-- Azure Hortonworks Sandbox with HDP 2.6.4
create or replace connection hive_conn to 'jdbc:hive2://' user
'raj_ops' identified by 'raj_ops';
-- EXPORT test for Cloudera driver
export exa_syscat
into jdbc driver = 'HiveCloudera' at hive_conn table exa_syscat created by
'create table exa_syscat (schema_name varchar(128), object_name varchar(128),
object_type varchar(15), object_comment varchar(2000))'
-- IMPORT test for Cloudera driver
import into(schema_name varchar(128), object_name varchar(128), object_type varchar(15),
object_comment varchar(2000))
from jdbc driver = 'HiveCloudera' at hive_conn table exa_syscat;
Load data
You can use the IMPORT statement to load data using the connection you created above. IMPORT supports loading data from a table or a SQL statement.
The IMPORT statement allows you to use Kerberos connections in your connection string. For more details, see the example in connection_def.