Storage Requirements

This section describes general requirements and recommendations regarding storage in Exasol.

Storage requirements

  • Use at least 4 storage drives with minimum 250 MBps read/write capacity per drive.

    Actual performance depends on the number of disks used as well as the speed of the individual disks.

  • OS and storage disks should have RAID 1 (or similar fault tolerance).

  • OS disks must have at least 150 GiB free disk space after installation .

  • Swap partition - use the size recommended by the OS vendor.

Supported storage types/technologies

  • Sparse file devices hosted on a filesystem like ext4 or XFS (NFS is not supported)
  • Block devices (local storage SAS, SSD, NVMe, virtual disks, or remote storage iSCSI/SAN)
  • LVM2
  • LUKS