Debugging Use Cases

This article describes the information that will be required for debugging in some specific use cases.

For information about how to get the specific logs and other system information mentioned in the following list, refer to the corresponding pages in the Log Files for Support section and to the EXAsupport page.

SQL query and system performance issues

To debug these issues, the Support team will need the following information:

  • SQL and server process logs for before (if available) and after the performance issue appeared
  • Profiling of the problematic query
  • Comparison session IDs

Aborted SQL processes

If you are experiencing aborted SQL processes, Support will need the following:

  • SQL and server process logs
  • Coredumps

Transaction conflicts

To debug transaction conflicts, Support will need SQL and server process logs for the sessions.


If you have issues when running IMPORT and/or EXPORT statements, Support will need SQL and server process logs for the entire day.

Database crash

If the database crashes, Support will need the following information to provide help:

  • SQL and server process logs
  • ClusterOS logs
  • Coredumps