Installation Using Exasol Cloud Deployment Wizard

Configure and deploy an Exasol cluster or single node system using Exasol's Cloud Deployment Wizard for public clouds. The wizard guides you through the sizing, configuration, and deployment process (internally it uses and parameterizes Exasol's standard CloudFormation templates).

After configuring your cluster you can either download the pre-configured CloudFormation template or directly open it with the AWS CloudFormation interface to proceed with the deployment process. In the CloudFormation interface, you can further review and customize all settings.

Here is a video that gives you an overview of how the Cloud Deployment Tool works.


  • Make sure you have an AWS account with the relevant permissions. If you do not have an AWS account, you can create one from the Amazon Console.
  • You have a Key Pair created. AWS uses public-key cryptography to secure the log-in information for your instance. For more information on how to create a Key Pair, see Amazon EC2 Key Pairs in the AWS documentation.

You must subscribe to Exasol from the AWS Marketplace. However, Exasol does not recommend you to continue with the configurations or launch Exasol from the AWS Marketplace. You can configure and deploy Exasol using the Exasol Cloud Deployment Wizard or using CloudFormation templates.

Deployment Procedure

Follow the steps below to deploy Exasol on AWS using the Exasol Cloud Deployment Wizard:

  1. Click Exasol Cloud Deployment Wizard to open the cloud deployment wizard in your browser.
  2. Select the cloud platform where you want to deploy Exasol. In this case, it is AWS.
  3. Select your region from the drop-down list and click Continue.

  4. On the Configuration screen, by default you see the Basic Configuration page.
  5. Select your raw data size from Raw Data Size.
  6. Select one of the following recommendations from System Recommendations:
    • Basic Configuration: Shows a minimum specification for you data size.
    • Balanced Configuration: Shows an average specification for you data size for good performance.
    • High Performance Configuration: Shows the best possible specification for you data size for high performance.

    Based on your selection, you can see a recommended configuration in the Your Configuration section of the page.

    PAYG is the default license option. You can change the license model to Bring-your-own-license from the Advanced Configuration section.

  7. If you want to make changes or adjust the recommended basic configurations, click the Advance Configuration option. Else continue to step 8.
    1. In the Advanced Configuration page, you can further update the basic configuration to suit your needs. You can make changes to the raw data size, the license model, instance family, instance type, and so on.
    2. Based on the changes you make, review the configuration in the Your Configuration section. Click Continue to proceed with the deployment.
  8. Click Continue to proceed with the deployment. The Summary pages shows you an overview of the configuration.

  9. Next, in the Deployment section of the Summary page, you can choose to : 
    1. Launch Stack: :
      1. Select VPC: You have the option to select create new VPC or use existing VPC for your stack.
      2. Create New VPC will create a new VPC and provision all resources within it.
        Use Existing VPC will provision Exasol to use an existing VPC subnet of your choice.
        For more information on VPC, see Amazon Virtual Private Cloud.

        Based on this VPC selection, the parameters in the stack creation page on AWS will change when you launch the stack. For more information on the stack parameters, see Template parameters.

      3. Click Launch Stack. You will be redirect to the Quick create stack page on AWS. Review and fill the required stack parameters such as Key Pair, SYS User Password, or ADMIN User Password.
      4. In the VPC/Network/Security section, the Public IPs is set to false by default. Set this value to true if you want to connect to your instance over the internet, or the enable communication between your instances and other AWS services that have public endpoints.
      5. If you want to keep the Public IP address set to false, then you need to enable VPN or other methods to be able to access your instance. We advise you to contact your AWS administrator to obtain the recommended methods to connect to the database server or launch the instance.

      6. (Optional) License is applicable if your subscription model is Bring-your-own-license. Paste the entire content of the license file you have in the space provided.

      7. Click Create Stack to continue deploying Exasol in the CloudFormation Console.
        You can view the stack you created under AWS CloudFormation > Stacks, with the status CREATE_IN_PROGRESS. Once the stack is successfully created, the status is changed to CREATE_COMPLETE. Additionally, you can monitor the progress in the Events tab for the stack.


    1. Download CloudFormation Templates: Click CloudFormation Templates to download the configuration file and upload them later to your AWS stack through CloudFormation Console. For information on how to deploy the CloudFormation template, see Deployment Using CloudFormation Template.

Determine the Public IP Address

You need the Public IP or DNS name displayed in the EC2 Console to connect to the database server, or launch the instance. To know the Public IP or DNS name:

If the Public IP parameter for your stack is set to false, then you will not see a Public IP address or DNS name displayed in the EC2 Console. In this case, you need to enable VPN or other methods to connect to the database server. We advise you to contact your AWS administrator to obtain the recommended method to connect to the database server or launch the instance.

  1. Open the EC2 Dashboard from the AWS Management Console.
  2. Click on Running Instance. The Instances page is displayed with all the running instances.
  3. Select the name of the instance you created.
  4. In the Description section, the IP address displayed for Public DNS(IPv4) is the IP address of the database server.

Launch Instance

You can connect to your instance using the Public IP address or the DNS name displayed in the EC2 Console. To know the Public IP or DNS name for your instance, see Determine the Public IP Address.

  1. Copy and paste this IP address prefixed with HTTPS in your browser. In the case of an Exasol cluster deployment, you need to the copy the IP address or DNS name of the management node.
  2. You will receive a digital certificate to confirm. Once you have confirmed this, the installation is initialized, and the following screen is displayed.

  3. Once installation is complete, you will be redirected to the EXAoperation screen.

    It may take up to 45 minutes for the EXAoperation to be online after deployment.

  4. Login with the admin user name and password provided while creating your stack.

Connect to SQL Client

Once you have your instance running, you can connect to it using any SQL client of your choice.

Exasol Single Node Deployment: In the case of a single node deployment, use the Public IP address of your instance and the admin user name and password to connect to the SQL client.

Exasol Cluster Deployment: In the case of a cluster deployment, use the Public IP address of the data node along with the admin user name and password to connect to the SQL client. You can also connect to all the data nodes by entering the pubic IP address of all the nodes separated by a comma.

To know the Public IP or DNS name for your instance, see Determine the Public IP Address.

Next Steps

Connect to Exasol

After installing Exasol on AWS, you can do the following:

Load Data

After you have connected your choice of tool to Exasol, you can load your data into Exasol and process further. To learn more about loading data into Exasol, see Loading Data.


For the maintenance tasks related to Exasol on AWS, see Administration (AWS).