Create Data Volume

This section explains how to create a new data volume in an Exasol database.

Database data in Exasol is stored on data volumes, which are assigned to storage disks. For more information about the different volume types in Exasol, see Volumes Overview. For more information about storage disks, see Storage Requirements.

This procedure is carried out using ConfD.


There are no prerequisites for this procedure.


The following examples use ConfD through the command-line tool confd_client, which is accessible on all database nodes. You can also access ConfD through XML-RPC in your own Python programs. For more information, see ConfD.

Create a data volume

To create a data volume, use the ConfD job st_volume_create. Set the following parameters:

Parameter Name Data Type Description
name string Name of the new volume
disk string Name of the disk to be used for the volume.
type string data
size string Volume size with unit in string format. Example: 1 GiB.
num_master_nodes integer Number of master nodes in the new volume.
nodes list List of node IDs (integers)
redundancy integer redundancy level
owner tuple, list Owner ID and owner group ID in list or tuple.

Master Nodes

The parameter num_master_nodes defines the number of master nodes that the volume will use. The number of master nodes must match the number of active nodes in the cluster. For example: in a cluster that will have 4 active nodes and 1 reserve node (4+1), the number of master nodes is 4.

In the following example, we create a 1 TiB data volume with the name DataVolume1 on the storage disk disk1 with 4 master nodes and redundancy 2. The command returns the volume ID for the new volume (vid: 2).

confd_client -c st_volume_create -a '{"name": "DataVolume1", "disk": "disk1", "type": "data", "size": "1 TiB", "num_master_nodes": 4, "nodes": [11, 12, 13, 14], "redundancy": 2, "owner": [500,500]}'
vid: 2

The ConfD job st_volume_create does not necessarily use the specified size but does internal rounding. To check the actual size of the volume after creation to see if it is acceptable, use the ConfD job st_volume_info. If the rounding takes up too much space, contact Support.

Enable optimizations

To enable optimizations for the volume, use the ConfD job st_volume_add_label

confd_client -c st_volume_add_label -a '{"vname": "DataVolume1", "label": "useinitopt"}'
confd_client -c st_volume_add_label -a '{"vname": "DataVolume1", "label": "usesearchopt"}'


To verify the properties of the new data volume, use the ConfD job st_volume_info with the volume ID. For example:

confd_client -c st_volume_info -a 'vid: 2'