Exasol on Google Cloud

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) provides a suite of infrastructure services that enable you to deploy Exasol in a highly available, scalable, and affordable way. This section provides you with step-by-step instructions for deploying Exasol on Google Cloud Platform.

Before You Begin

Read the following sections before you start setting up Exasol on Google Cloud Platform.

Step 1: Deploying Exasol

Option 1: Using the Cloud Deployment Wizard

Exasol recommends using the Cloud Deployment Wizard to install Exasol on GCP. To know how to install Exasol on GCP using the wizard, see Using Exasol Cloud Deployment Wizard.

To learn more about the Cloud Deployment Wizard, watch the following video.

Option 2: Using the Cloud Deployment Manager Templates

If you don't want to use the configuration recommendations of the wizard, you can use the Cloud Deployment Manager templates to install Exasol. For detailed instructions, refer to Using Cloud Deployment Manager Template.

Step 3: Connect Tools and Install Drivers

After installing Exasol on GCP, you can do the following:

Step 4: Load Data

After you have connected your choice of tool to Exasol, you can load your data into Exasol and process further. To learn more about loading data into Exasol, see Loading Data.

Step 5: Administration

Once you have all the configurations in place and started using Exasol, you may have to perform some administration task on your setup. To learn more about the administrative activities that you can perform on your Exasol instance, see Administration on Google Cloud Platform.

Support, Troubleshooting & Software Updates

Exasol Analytic Database PAYG comes with comprehensive software support. You need to register to enable the support for your account. After registering you will be able to register support cases with our support team.

Click the following button to register for support.

Register for Support

Terms and conditions:

  • This support offering is only valid for Exasol instances launched using the Google Cloud Platform Marketplace offering
  • The SLA starts only after the registration process is complete.
  • The registration process may take some time to complete.

To get help, create a case. In order to create a case, you must be registered for support.