
EXASuite is an integrated, self-contained software bundle provided by Exasol.

This standalone distribution includes the Exasol Database, EXAoperation (a web based database administration user interface), EXACluster OS services, a runtime environment, and an underlying enterprise operating system (CentOS with Linux Kernel).

Exasol Clients and Drivers include SQL clients and drivers provided by Exasol.

SQL Development Tools

For creating, editing, and executing SQL code graphically we recommend the following tools:

  • DbVisualizer: Universal database tool that has been optimized to support specific Exasol features.
  • DataGrip: Commercial SQL Client with very good support for UDF developers.
  • DBeaver: Open-source SQL Client with comprehensive support for Exasol.


There are currently three important standardized interfaces for which Exasol provides the necessary driver software:

  • ODBC (Open Database Connectivity)
  • JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)
  • ADO.NET (Abstract Data Objects .NET)

EXASolution can also be accessed with the help of the OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers from Microsoft via an OLE DB interface (Object Linking and Embedding Database).

By integrating the drivers in your application they will be enabled to send SQL requests, present the results, and load data into EXASolution. For larger bulk loads it is recommended to use the EXAloader. For more information, see SQL commands IMPORT and EXPORT.

Exasol also provides a client SDK (software development kit) in order to integrate EXASolution into your own applications.

The Exasol drivers and SDK are publicly available on the Exasol Downloads page.